Security is the major concern when you sign-up for an email service, either it’s free or paid. It is equally important to be safe and secure while logging in and sending-receiving data through your email on the personal as well as business point-of-view.

You might have heard of bulk-hack attack on Windows Live email accounts a few months back from now, which raised a big question on security of this email service. But lately, Microsoft has taken some advanced security measure to resolve the issue. If you are a Windows Live Hotmail user, here are some important tips you must follow to access your email more securely:

  • Enable SSL encryption on your Hotmail Sign in page. This can be done by signing in with HTTPS enabled. Actually, HTTPS encrypts the username and password before they move into the Hotmail authentication area. To enable SSL encryption or HTTPS on your Windows Live Hotmail, sign in to your account and go to Options » More Options » Account details (password, aliases, time zone). Scroll down to Other Options and click Connect with HTTPS. Set Use HTTPS automatically in the next page and click save button. You can notice HTTPS in the address bar of your browser from now.
    enable ssl windows live mail
  • Always use a strong password. Also make it sure to enable the automatic password expiration in Hotmail. This can be done by navigating to Account details and check-on the check box saying “Make my password expire every 72 days“. If your password gets expire, you can easily reset it to a new one just by answering the security question or giving in the recovery or primary email you provided Hotmail during the signup.
    windows live password expiration setting
  • Add your mobile number to your Hotmail ID to get advanced security. By adding your mobile number you can not only send emails from your phone, but can also use it to reset your password if you ever need to do so. If you haven’t added a phone number yet, just do it by navigating to Options » Windows Live Options and then scrolling down to SMS section, clicking Settings and adding your phone number in there.
    add mobile number to hotmail
  • Always use the new Hotmail single use code instead of your password while signing in from Hotspots, Cyber Cafes or a public computer. This single use code can be used only one time. Just click Get a single use code to sign in with on the Hotmail login page, you will receive it as a text message on your mobile phone which you have added to your Windows live account. You can now use this code to login.
    single use code windows live

This way we can make our windows live email account secure enough to not to give out sensitive information in wrong hands. If you have already implemented the above tips, I’m sure that your Windows Live ID is safe and hack-proof. If not, you should do it now!

Also read important tips on secure Mobile Banking.