How to type in Regional Languages online?
Have you ever wanted to chat or email in Regional or Foreign languages? Many people require such options for blogging, chatting, writing, emailing, composing documents etc. If you too are one of them, you have two things to do:
- Install Regional options on your PC
- Use free online services, which require no installations or settings on your computer.
Type in Regional Languages online
If you want simple typing options, for example, typing your language in SMS language or Textese to get output in your language, you may use Google Transliterate.
If you want to type phonetically, i.e. typing traditionally with default Unicode keyboard settings, you may use the following services:
- Google Translate
Choose the language on From section as your language and let the other language on To section the default. Check the option check box labeling Allow phonetic typing. Basically, Google Translate is used for online language translation.
- Virtual Keyboard
This service allows you to choose your language and provide very interactive interface similar to a traditional keyboard, hence allowing you to type phonetically.
Also know how to install Regional and Language options on Windows.