Tata DOCOMO GPRS Settings for Mobile
Tata DOCOMO users can request GPRS Settings easily by sending an SMS to the service.
How to get Tata DOCOMO GPRS settings by sms – You can receive Tata DOCOMO GPRS Settings anytime on your Mobile handset by sending an SMS with text INTERNET to 52270 (toll free) using your Tata DOCOMO number. Save the received settings as default settings, and start using Internet on DOCOMO (as per Tata DOCOMO GPRS charges/plans). You can also create Tata DOCOMO Settings manually on your mobile handset. Below given are manual GPRS Settings for Tata DOCOMO connection on a GPRS enabled handset:
- Create a new Account Name with any name, say DOCOMO
- Leave Username field blank
- Leave Password field blank
- Set Homepage to http://google.com
- Set preferred Access Point to Yes
- Set Proxy Enabled
- Set Server IP address to
- Set Port address to 9401 or 8080
- Set Data Bearer as GPRS or Packet Data
- Set Access Point Name as TATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET
- Set Authentication type as Normal
Ignore the fields that you are not seeing in your mobile handset. Also check out GPRS Settings for more Operators.
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