Step-by-step Procedure to Get the Transaction ID from SBI
A step-by-step guide to get a transaction ID from the State Bank of India.
While banking online or offline, all our activities regarding money are known as transactions. Each of our transactions has a unique ID, called as Transaction ID.
Sometimes, while making transactions online, we may need this ID, an example case, if an online payment fails and you got your amount deducted, then the guilty party may ask for the Transaction ID of that payment from you.
I ran into a similar situation while paying to some company via SBI NetBanking. They were accepting payment via CC Avenue, but suddenly during redirecting back to the merchant site, the connection failed (I don’t know why). I refreshed the page but it showed up with “session expired” message.
Then I check my SBI account balance and found that the money was deducted. I also checked my account on the merchant site where it was still showing that the payment had not been made.
I contacted their sales support, who asked me for the Transaction ID of the payment. I gave them the ID and my payment is verified.
Banking services provide the transaction data to the users differently, and basically they provide Reference ID, the date, the time of the transactions to them. If you are an SBI user, then this article will help you how to obtain your transaction ID from the bank.
Procedue to get the transaction ID from SBI
You can get the transaction ID from State Bank of India in three simple steps:
- Just visit the SBI branch where you hold an account.
- Ask an executive about your need of transaction ID. Tell them your account number, and amount of transaction.
- They will provide you with the transaction ID at the same time. Collect the ID and use it according to your requirement.
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