Yet another change slapped by Google to the users, this time the new login panel kind of thing that replaced the traditional Google or Gmail login. Sometime ago, Google changed the look and feel of all it’s services including Gmail which was highly criticized by the users.

The new Gmail or Google account login is also getting negative reviews, as Google is trying to make it look like a confusing app control panel more than the normal service login.

The new Google account login screen

As I told you above, and you may already know, it looks like a control panel of an application where you can add or remove multiple Google accounts to be logged in from you computer or mobile. To log into an account, you have to add it there and proceed.

It creates a list of accounts you’ve added to log into, and you may choose an account from that list for the next login or add another account to log into you another Google ID. Below is a screenshot that demonstrate how it looks like:

New Google login page

I’m not liking this change as the earlier simple login screen was good for me. Maybe I’m wrong here, because services like Google generally make surveys among it’s users before deploying such changes. But as far as I know, normal users are not liking this change – so this one goes for how to get back to the old Gmail or Google login page.

Can you revert to old Gmail?

Is it possible to get back that simple login screen for Gmail or other Google services? Let me say this – NO, it’s not possible. Google has freeze-d the new login screen, and it doesn’t provide another way to log into accounts, so you have to deal with it unless you want the old login page so badly.

The only way to revert to old Gmail Login

So far, there seems to be the one and only way to get it back, and it’s through Internet archives.

“Internet archives? Are you kidding me?” That’s why I said you have to deal with the new unless you want the old one badly. With Web Archives, we can view the online archived pages of websites.

I’m not going to drag you into knowing what Web Archives are, just sharing a link that will help you to look back to that archived old Google login page that you should use to log into your accounts on your own risk (I’m pretty sure the info will be sent to Google only, but still doubtful as it is not the live, but the archived version). I’ve made use of Wayback Machine of to explore it:

Archived Old Google login page
This is how the archived login looks like

You may visit the below link to see the archived Google login, and see the old Google login in action – however, it is missing the Google logo and the traditional full width layout.

Stay tuned for more updates on this topics, I will add up more utilities and alternatives to rollback this change. Feel free to add your views, suggestions and questions in comments.

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