If you use Blogger platform to publish your blog, you must have noticed the Home link between Older and Newer post links in the blogger pagination area.

This link to the home page is actually a navigational utility, and may help your blog readers to quickly go to the homepage, but to most of the bloggers, it is useless and annoying, and they usually want to hid it or remove it completely from the template codes.

Home link on Blogger blogs
This is how the link appears in the blog pagination area

Hiding the Home link with CSS

You may have read online tutorials about removing that link from your Blogger template, but that is not removing, that’s hiding. But it’s easier then removing the link from the template.

If you want to just get rid of that link anyway without digging deep into the code, add the following code to the CSS of your blogger template and save the changes.

.home-link { display: none; }

You still have the Home link in your template but it will stop appearing due to the above CSS code.

Permanently remove Home link from Blogger template

Is it that nasty? No. After all, it’s the link to your blog homepage. Still, if you’re focusing on limiting the number of links on your blog posts and pages, you may consider removing this link, as we already have the link to the homepage in the logo or the header section.

If you are comfortable with coding, here is how to removing the home link permanently.

Just search “home-link” in your blogger template. Remove all the entities beginning with <a class='home-link' from the template and save the changes.

Remove Home Link from Blogger

That’s it. You’ve successfully removed the “Home link” from below the posts in your blog.