Most of the bloggers spend time around their computer to publish posts. There are times when you are away from your home or workplace, and you feel helpless to blog in such a situation. But actually, you’re not.

You can publish posts of your Blogger blog using your email or a mobile device. In this post, I am covering how to publish posts on Blogger just by sending a simple email.

Setting up a secret email for your Blogger blog

This first step is crucial as our post publishing via email completely depends on it. We’ll be sending our posts to this secret email which is a robot actually, that will publish posts on your blog on your behalf.

So, lets set up this secret email. Navigate to the Settings section in your Blog dashboard, and click the Mobile and email link under it.

Posting using email in Blogger

Come to the Email section down there, and you’ll see an option meant for that secret email prefixed by your primary email username.

Enter something unique in the secretWords field, and make sure it’s strong enough to not to get hacked by others. Note down the complete email thus formed (would be something like this: Also set it to Publish post immediately if you want the post to go live immediately after you send the email. Optionally, you may also set this option to draft the email, or do nothing. Click the Save Settings button.

Now, we’ll be using this secret email to publish our post from anywhere in the world!

Publishing Blogger post via Email

Now, to publish a post via email, compose an email to your secret Blogger email ID. Follow the steps below to set title, format the post copy and more:

  • Your email subject will be your post’s title on the blog.
  • The body of your email will be your post’s content. The basic formatting like links, bold, italic etc. in your email body will be applied to your blog posts automatically.
  • Attach images in the email to include them in your post.
  • Finally after completing the email, send it.

That’s it! We have successfully published a post on our Blogger via email!


  1. Such publishing of posts via email on Blogger blogs doesn’t support ordering of images. The attached images in the email would appear before everything in the published post.
  2. It also doesn’t allow you to add labels to your posts.
  3. Post editing is also not allowed using this facility, however, it’s not much needed mostly.