I ordered some apparels from Myntra.com recently. Their service is good and I was fully satisfied with the shipment and the product. However, there was only one thing that annoyed me the most – the frequent SMS notifications about their offers and discounts.

When creating an account or ordering something, Myntra asks for your mobile number in order to send you the order details. I do not shop online regularly. Like most of you, I too look for an offer only when I need a product. The promotional SMS alerts from them were irritating for me, so I planned to block them.

How I blocked their promotional SMS alert texts

I can’t recall if they ask to opt in or out to receive offer messages while adding your number. I didn’t find any opt out option in my accounts section, so I planned to get my number removed from their database.

Note that you can remove the mobile number from your Account profile settings, but not from their subscription service database. It also won’t make any sense if you shop from Myntra. You’ll have to provide a number every time you place an order.

Myntra.com Mobile number removal

Previously, they used to ask you to send an SMS or give missed calls to a number to unsubscribe from their alerts, it doesn’t work now and you won’t find the settings to unsubscribe quickly, clever marketing you know.

Still, here is the SMS sending method which still might work for you: send stopmyntrasms to 9902099020, Rs. 1.50 will be charged from your account balance (what a smart way to earn money, Myntra).

The missed-call solution worked for some people in past, you can give it a try and tell us if it got you opt-out from SMS alerts: try giving a missed call to 08067006917, as suggested by some of the readers here.

Myntra Settings to Unsubscribe from SMS Notifications

I scratched my head a few times over their website and found out that at last you’ll have to email them in order to unsubscribe from all those irritating SMS updates.

I navigated from their “Contact US” page to “Non-order Related Issues” to “Manage Your Account” to “I want to unsubscribe from promotional emails and SMS“. All I got is this:

Opting out from Myntra promotional SMS notifications

Click that Email US button and type an email regarding the issue you are facing. In case if this too didn’t work for you, the only thing you are left with is to tweet about the issue to them directly. I noticed that tweeting at @myntra mentioning the annoying texts brought immediate responses for many folks. They reply soon asking for your number to unsub, just DM them your number and that was how I got my number unsubscribed.

If you are not getting response from them at all regarding the unsubscription, create a new topic regarding the same query on Get Satisfaction; quick action will be taken on your request.