Earlier before, we talked about the launch of Google+ Business pages. Along with the Google+ business pages, Google has also rolled-out Direct Connect, which makes it very easy for Google search users to add a Page to their circles.

We have already covered how to create a Google+ business page for your brand. Direct Connect helps to show your Google+ page in Google search results, when users type the name of your website. You have to make sure that your Google+ page lands up in Google Search. Try searching your Google+ page title on Google, if it returns no results, wait till Google indexes your page in search results. If Google is already showing your page, you can associate your website with your Google+ page to appear on search results relatively by following the methods mentioned in this post.

To check what Direct Connect exactly do, open Google and type +t, the auto-complete will show the results like below screenshot:

Direct Connect to associate website, G+ pages and Google search

That is cool! This post is going to help you achieving the same!

How to associate your Website, Google+ Page and Google Search with Direct Connect?

Note: You will need your Google+ page ID to work with below methods. Here is how to get your page ID:

  • Open your page and go to the address bar
  • Select the number at the last. Refer below screenshot:
    get google plus page id

Now, follow one of the below mentioned four methods to help Google to associate your website and your Google+ page:

1. Connect using <link> tag

Simply put the below code just before </head> tag in the HTML of your website:

<link href="plusPageUrl" rel="publisher" />

Replace plusPageUrl with your Google+ Page URL and save the HTML.

2. Connect using Google Badge
get google plus page badge

Visit Google Badge Plugin page, input your Page ID, generate a Google+ badge, grab the code and place it to your website. Google strongly recommends using this Badge method.

3. Add a Text Link to Google+ Page

Place the following code in your website:
<a rel="publisher" href="https://plus.google.com/105383625975747905214">Find us on Google+</a>

Replace the number in red color to your Page ID.

4. Add the link of your website to your Google+ Page
google plus direct connect

This is the easiest of both the above mentioned methods. All you need to do is:

  • Go to your profile by clicking the profile icon at the top of the page
  • Click “Edit Profile
  • Click on “Links” in the “About” tab
  • Click on “Add custom link” on the right
  • Put a title and a URL of your Website
  • Click “Save“.

So, if your Google+ page is indexed on Google, associate your website with it now! Or if you already get the thing done, don’t forget to mention here!