Emergency talktime loans help your to get talktime at odd times when you’ve no money or balance recharge options around. Idea users can also avail the facility of talktime loan in a similar situation.

In general, services provide a tiny recharge amount in the loan, and I’ve seen Idea providing the least among all the telecom services. You may take a talktime loan of Rs. 4 from Idea.

Idea Talktime credit loan: When & How

You may take a talktime loan from Idea only when you satisfy the following conditions:

  • Your connection is at least 5 days old
  • Your recharge balance is Rs. 0-2
  • You have already paid the previous loan, if you took any

As I told above, you may take Rs. 4 talktime credit from Idea. In order to ask for loan, just dial *150*03# from your Idea number and follow the instructions. The recovery amount you’ll have to pay next time when you recharge your balance is Rs. 5.

Hope you found it useful. Also see how to get talktime loan on other operators. If you have some updates regarding this article, feel free to post a comment for reminding us about that.