Siri, the intelligent Voice Assistant app for iPhone 4S has captured the imagination of millions of people. This app has made iPhone a more engrossing product and people are utilizing it to the maximum by asking Siri questions, the fun intended mostly.

Siri users are uploading loads of funny videos of their conversations with this intelligent Voice Assistant everyday. I picked the 10 hilarious Siri videos and composed them in a list in which users are having fun with this smart app, some asking to marry while some are flirting and more – check out and enjoy these funniest Siri videos:

  1. iPhone 4S Funny Questions for Siri

  2. Siri thinks the user is cheating on her

  3. Comedian Phil Butler Siri Act

  4. Two Siris confusing each other

  5. Siri Funny Easter Eggs

  6. The dark side of Siri

  7. Siri Funny Halloween Horror Parody

  8. Questions not to ask Siri

  9. Having Fun With Siri

  10. Funny Siri conversations

I’m sure if you’re an iPhone 4S user, you’re tickling yourself by asking your Siri funny questions every other time. Hope you enjoyed the videos. Also see top puzzle games for iOS.

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