There is absolutely no need to tell that Google is dominating the web. Almost everybody who uses Internet, uses Google Products. Apart from searching, chatting, e-mailing, translating and watching videos, people also save their data on Google using services like Google +1, Buzz, Gmail, Picasa Web albums, Google profile etc.

You can now export that Google data on the go with Google Takout. Just after few days after Google+ got unleashed, Google released Takeout to benefit the users with Data portability. The Data Liberation Front – a team of engineers at Google – has made it possible for users to take out their Google Products data with them.

Export your Google data with Google Takeout

As of the Data Liberation blog – “Google Takeout lets you take your data out of multiple Google products in one fell swoop. Moreover, you’ll find that all your data is in portable and open formats‚ so it’s easy to import to other services quickly.

You can log in to this new service of Google with your Gmail account. It allows you to export your data out of several Google products with ease. Currently, it supports Buzz, Contacts and Circles, Picasa Web Albums, Profile and Stream, and will announce the support for more services and products soon.

You can either export all your data at once or choose individual services for the same. The estimated size of the archive and the number of files in it will be shown automatically while downloading.

Export your Google data with Google Takeout - Screenshot

It asks for the password twice, first while visiting the service, and then before starting the download. After exporting / downloading your Google data, you are free to open or save it in open formats (VCF, JSON, HTML) and can import it into other services also.

Google is winning the battle it announced against facebook with this service, as Data portability played a big fight between the two. What do you think?