Detect Google Glass capturing your photos or videos
Google Glass is specially designed to be operated through human eye gestures, and it is somewhat difficult to check when someone clicks a pic and records a video using it.
As the gadget is getting popular day-by-day, it becomes important for you to take notice if someone is capturing photos or videos of you or your private stuff through it without permission; directly invading into your privacy.
In order to stop someone from taking your pics and video, you need to know if the person started capturing from the device, and then you may ask them to halt. Someone wearing Google Glass can also be spotted doing so – here are some ways to detect when someone captures photos and videos using Google Glass.
Detect when Google Glass captures photos and videos
Keeping the public privacy in mind, guys at Google have added explicit signals to detect when the Glass captures things and camera is on. Here are they.
- Illuminated Screen: Google Glass screen is located on top side of the user’s right eye. When the device camera is active, it glows and screen lights up and you may notice that and spot the person capturing you using Glass.
- Voice Command: You can easily know if you’re being recorded or not via voice also. When the user says “Ok Glass, take a picture” or “Ok Glass, record a video”, the Glass will start snapping a pic or recording a video respectively.
- Fingers Gestures: The user may also turn on the device cam using the buttons on the top-right side of the device, and can be easily spotted recording.
Google Glass is a device of future, and soon it will be available everywhere, however, it can be misused easily and the person using it can invade into other people’s privacy. Google has said that it’s not going to add more feature like facial recognition or voice print to the Glass, but it’s still on you to stay alert about your privacy.