BSNL broadband comes with a default password “password” which is easier to remember but very weak in terms of password strength and security. Everyone knows the default password, and if someone comes to know your BSNL broadband ID, you may face illegal uses of your connection. Changing the default password is the first thing that you should do before start using your broadband connection.

Why should I change my default broadband password?

After setting up the broadband at your home or office, the technical guy from BSNL doesn’t tell you about changing password and other security measures. Here are few obvious reasons why you should change the default password of your BSNL broadband:

  • Other people may access your Broadband connection easily if they know your user ID
  • This may result in low internet speed and may also cost you a lot of money if you’re on a limited bandwidth plan
  • This may also result in suspicious use of internet under your name

Change BSNL Broadband password: Step-by-step

You may easily change the password of your BSNL broadband connection yourself any time by logging into your BSNL Selfcare portal account with the user ID and password you received with your Broadband connection.

Resetting BSNL Broadband password

If you’ve already changed the default password, but you’re not able to recall the new password, you should call the BSNL Broadband support at 1504 to get a new password immediately.

On the finishing note, stay safe and secure by always picking a strong password for your accounts.