Add space between BuySellAds ad slots [125×125]
BuySellAds or BSA is a nice way to attract advertisers and to find budget ad publishers. BSA provides simple ways both for advertisers and ad publishers to get their tasks done. Since I’m a publisher there, my experience says that it is really easy to use – you can add inventory by creating ad zones, providing maximum number of ad slots available, ad description, position, price; you can also set ad appearance parameters like repeating slots (number of ads that will be displayed at the same time), CSS styling and more.
BSA gives it’s users to modify the appearance of their ad by modifying the styling in the Ad Code and Display Styles segment, you can set the styles in Style Settings there.
If you’re a BSA publisher, you might have came across the ad stipate when 125×125 repeating ad slots stick to each other, which looks really odd!
Well, this can be fixed with some CSS play in the Ad Code and Display Styles section of your 125×125 ad slots, but if you don’t know how to do that, I’m here to help you with that.
Add space between BuySellAds ad slots (125×125)
In order to avoid or remove ad stipate in BSA 125×125 ad slots, just follow the below given steps:
- Sign into your BuySellAds account, go to your Dashboard where you’ll see My Properties means your approved website(s) and it’s ad zone (if you’ve created some). Click Actions drop-down menu in your 125×125 BSA ad slot zone and click Settings menu-item.
- Now, click Ad Code and Display Styles button on the right hand side in the zone.
- You’ll see the code of your ad slot that you’ve already been using on your site or blog to display ads. Come down to the Styles Settings options, find margin:0 4px 10px 0; in the Anchor Style textbox and replace it with the following code:
margin:0 15px 15px;
Note: If you have a sidebar of width less than 300px (300 pixels), use a lesser value in margin, i.e. use margin:0 8px 8px; or a different value that suits your site’s demand.
Click Save. Done!
Now, reload your site and notice the space appearing between the two repeating 125×125 BSA ad slots. That’s it.
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