If you have a company at LinkedIn, then you should put LinkedIn Follow Company button on your company’s website or blogs to increase your audience and followers. LinkedIn Follow button works exactly like Twitter Follow button, which once clicked get the people following your company at LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Follow Company button supports companies only, and doesn’t applies to LinkedIn individual profiles.

linkedin follow company button

To add LinkedIn Follow Company button to your website or blog, just visit LinkedIn Follow Company Generator and input your company name in the very first text box asking for a company name. If your company comes in the dropdown list, that’s okay, select it and choose a format or count mode for the button and click “Get Code” button. Grab the code and paste it to your site.

In case if you’re not able to see your company in the companies dropdown list, just enter the ID of your company and follow the rest of the procedure same as above.

How to find your LinkedIn Company ID?

Just visit your company profile and grab the company ID from the browser’s address bar just as shown in the below screenshot:

linkedin follow company button

LinkedIn Follow Company button code

If you’re experiencing problems while generating your LinkedIn Follow Company button, you may directly use the below code to create it without the LinkedIn Button creator.

<script src="//platform.linkedin.com/in.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="IN/FollowCompany" data-id="ID" data-counter="right"></script>

Don’t forget to replace ID with your LinkedIn company’s ID. You may modify data-counter value to top (vertical counter), right (right-aligned counter) and none (no counter) to adjust the counter position.

Also see how to add LinkedIn Share button to your blog / website.