Whenever I start working on a new design, I always try new icons in my themes. In this theme too, I used icons from different sets and styles that are available for free for personal and commercial uses. As I like collecting icons and logos, I have 700+ icons in my collection. From my collection of icons, I’m sharing 27 (3 sizes, 3 x 27 = 81) Social Media and Bookmarking icons, which I got via PSDTuts (I used them in this theme too). Description of this icons set with the download link and the screen shot is hereunder:

  • Icon set: Pixel Perfect
  • Icon type: Social & Bookmarking media
  • Sizes: (in pixels) 16 x 16 (square), 32 x 32 (square) and 122 x 42 (rectangular) button icons
  • Icon format: PNG
  • Total icons: 27 x 3 = 81
  • License: Free for personal and commercial work. No attribution required.

Download now »

Screen shot